This web site should give an overview of the information on camp Mühlberg that is available in the internet. At the same time, by doing so our present way of commemoration will be reflected. Publicity is nowadays in the internet. How do we care about our past?

1. Commemoration and remembrance (general)
2. Local information around Mühlberg
3. POW camp Stalag IVB Mühlberg
4. Soviet special camp 1 Mühlberg
5. Victims organizations
6. Other NKVD special camps

Stalag IVB und Special camp 1
Commemoration and remembrance (general)

Local information

  • Mühlberg/Elbe und die Stadt Bad Liebenwerda cooperate in the setup and maintenance of the memorial of Camp Mühlberg, also the Land Brandenburg is contributing financial support. Interestingly, in the memorial maintenance treaty between the two towns the authorities managed to find a new word for the prisoners of both camps: the „Erlebnisgeneration“, i.e. the „event generation“.
    In 2012, an information trail was installed where visitors can learn more about the camp history from 17 glass steles erected at the site of Stalag IVB and Soviet special camp.

  • Mühlberg/Elbe: no information in the internet ! The web site of the town reports on the Soviet special camp in Sachsenhausen. No comment on local history. However, the town museum has a small exhibition on the history of the camp.

  • Bad Liebenwerda: no information in the internet. The camp is situated on the current area of the town.

    Gudrun Andrich, the memorial teacher of camp Mühlberg, resides every Thursday in the municipal archive, Breite Straße 10, 04924 Bad Liebenwerda. There is space to work with children in smaller groups, and there is an exhibition on the „camp of two dictatorships“. This exhibition is designed under the leadership of G. Andrich by students of the Elsterschloss-Gymnasium (high school) in Elsterwerda.

  • Neuburxdorf: The cemetery of Neuburxdorf hosts the memorial of the victims of Stalag IVB.
    The local heritage club (Heimatverein Neuburxdorf) is active in camp remembrance and contributed an 18
    th glass stele to the camp information trail. On its web site, the club has almost no information on the camp.

  • Brottewitz: No information. In the sugar factory worked many prisoners of Stalag IVB. Inhabitants of Brottewitz helped the prisoners of the special camp to send messages to their relatives.

  • Kosilenzien: a note on the camp (in German)

  • Martinskirchen: private web site

  • Kroebeln

POW camp Stalag IVB
Commemoration and remembrance – international

Soviet special camp 1
Gedenken, Erinnern, Informationen

  • Foundation Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Places of repression – Mühlberg, the website provides a map of all Soviet special camps

  • Netherlandsww2museums: a very short overview on Soviet special camp 1

    in German:

  • Memorial Deutschland e.V.: Informations on the Soviet repression system with 2 important essays by Achim Kilian and Gerhard Finn on Soviet special camps in Germany

  • Brandenburg Central Office for Political Education, the pdf-file contains an essay by Jörg Morré on Soviet special camp 1

  • Delitzsch: L. Freiberg from Municipal Archive Delitzsch wrote an article on „Delitzscher Internierte in sowjetischen Speziallagern 1945-1950“, amended by a detailed list of victims from Landkreis Delitzsch

  • Freiberg/Saxony: A booklet published by Vereinigung der Opfer des Stalinismus e.V. (Union of Victims of Stalinism, VOS) with an introduction by Freiberg's mayor informs about Freiberg citizens in the Soviet camp Mühlberg and other camps.
    The VOS Freiberg/Sa. Could collect
    a list of 72 missing persons and 148 victims of communist violence from the Freiberg region.

  • Oderwitzer Nachrichten 05/2009, K.L. Gotthans: Aus der Ortschronik - Oderwitz im Jahre 1945/46 part 2. p.9 – 11; Gotthans reports on the destiny of people from Oderwitz and on the Soviet special camp in general

  • Wurzener Amtsblatt 6/2011 p.9 „Gegen das Vergessen“ („Lest we forget“) The text reports on about 300 persons from Wurzen, many of the teenager, that have been imprisoned in Soviet camps. Erhard Krätzschmar, a former prisoner of the Soviet special camp 1 leads a delegation from Wurzen through the camp.

Victims organizations

  • Union of victims organizations of communist repression: Union der Opferverbände Kommunistischer Gewaltherrschaft e. V. -- UOKG

  • Union of victims of stalinism: Vereinigung der Opfer des Stalinismus e.V. – VOS

Other Soviet NKVD special camps

Other camps existed in the German territory that became now part of Poland or Russia.

Please note that the NKVD camp system was not specific to Germany. Such camps existed also in Poland, e.g. in Rembertów.

Moreover, there existed a huge camp system spanning the while Soviet Union, the „Gulag system“. Thousands of prisoners of NKVD special camps were deported to the gulags for forced labour. Only example for remembering websites are:

(C) Heike Leonhardt & Uwe Steinhoff 2011-2020 Non-commercial use granted if the source is cited.